👋 Are you needing some help?

You deserve to be
a HAPPY Teenager!

How To: Kill Blocking, Get more Confidence, Find Inner Motivation to Create a Dream Life.

And Families too!

Discover More

Improve -Achieve - Facilitate - Manage

Teens & Family


(Our Client)

They are amazing and every week we will work together to unblock anything it is preventing them to have an amazing, happy and beautiful life from now to the future!


(Neccesary Support)


We need to work together, to learn how to support your children, letting your child become an independent person. Remember you should let him make his own decisions, even if that means making mistakes.

Coaching Programs

Face-to-face sessions

Pasadena CA

One and a half hours, once a week we will have the meeting to talk, evaluate, set goals and provide the necessary tools for each stage.

Virtual Sessions


Once a week, we will talk about what's most important at that moment, to set the way to manage, and execute a plan for finding the way to succeed.


Every month we organize virtual workshops groups, addressing different issues to be resolved by adolescents

About Us

We help our clients to resolve their internal conflicts, reconciling the different roles they play in their lives and managing to reconcile them with themselves and with their environment.

How can we help you? We will be happy to hear about you

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Pasadena, CA, United States
